• Give Thanks…to yourself!

    November 19, 2019 | Julie Moore
  • Dear Me,
    Thank you for making good choices (most of the time!), laughing often, and loving me even when it isn’t easy. Xoxo
    Love, Me

    I send lots of Thank You notes throughout the year... via the actual mail. Some may call me ‘old fashioned’ for this. I prefer ‘classic’. I truly have so much to be thankful for and expressing my gratitude in the moment fills my heart even more.

    During this season of Thanksgiving as I reflect on gratitude I have not yet expressed, I uncovered a big gap. Someone I overlooked. She’s been there every day helping me celebrate the good stuff with gusto and endure the difficult stuff with grace.  Not only have I overlooked her, I’ve sometimes been critical of her, judging her when things didn’t turn out just right or second guessing her in times of uncertainty. But it is she, more than anyone, who has helped me grow into the person I am today.

    That she is me. And now, among all the people and blessings I am grateful for, I am putting myself on that VIP list. Thanks for the self-pep talks and the healthy home cooked meals. For choosing supportive friends and for recommitting to regular yoga practice. For reading interesting books and for learning Spanish... un poco todos los días.

    I invite you to join me by reflecting on all the ways you have supported/developed/loved yourself this year. Today you are the result of all that self love. Give thanks!